Do you have concerns about obtaining or performing U.S. government contracts or sub-contracts?

Do you have concerns about obtaining or performing your contracts with the federal government?

5335 Wisconsin Ave NW
Suite 440
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: 202-737-5734
Fax: 202-204-0001
Federal Government Contracts Lawyers
Government Contracts · Administrative Law · Litigation & Appeals
The firm of Seidman & Associates, P.C. was founded in 1981. The practice emphasizes representation of businesses competing for and performing U.S. Government Contracts and Subcontracts. The firm has an active practice before Federal Courts, Boards of Contract Appeals, U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and agency Suspension Debarment Officials (“SDOs”). The firm also represents clients in legislative and rulemaking efforts relating to Government Contracts.
The Washington, D.C. law firm of Seidman & Associates, P.C. represents businesses in bid protests at the agency level, before the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; requests for equitable adjustment, terminations for convenience, terminations for default, terminations for cause and contract claims before contracting officers; contract claims and litigation before Boards of Contract Appeals and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; suspensions, debarments, and compliance issues before agency Suspension Debarment Officials (“SDO”); protests concerning size and eligibility for small business programs before the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and appeals of SBA protest rulings before the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals (“SBAOHA”). The firm also provides advice and representation concerning responding to show cause and cure notices, organizational conflicts of interest; engineering source approvals; access to data under DoD Directive 5230.25 (“DoDD 5230.25”) and the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”); litigation concerning the validity of limited rights legends and rights in technical data.
The firm has represented trade associations in procurement related agency rulemaking proceedings and Congressional Hearings. The firm has filed amicus curiae briefs for a trade associations.
The firm’s clients include large publicly owned companies and small businesses, U.S. and foreign contractors, prime- and sub-contractors, manufacturers, professional services contractors, other service contractors, research and development (“R&D”) contractors, Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”) contractors, trade associations and non-profit advocacy groups.
The firm has also represented clients in connection with civil and criminal False Claims Act investigations and law suits as well as issues concerning foreign military sales and direct sales to foreign governments and international organizations.
The Seidman & Associates government contracts law firm represents businesses worldwide that have contracted with a U.S. Government agency. Seidman & Associates represents clients before the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”), U.S. Court of Federal Claims (“COFC”), Boards of Contract Appeals, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal and D.C. Circuits.

Federal Government Contracts Lawyers
Government Contracts · Administrative Law · Litigation & Appeals
The firm of Seidman & Associates, P.C. was founded in 1981. The practice emphasizes representation of businesses competing for and performing U.S. Government Contracts and Subcontracts. The firm has an active practice before Federal Courts, Boards of Contract Appeals, U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and agency Suspension Debarment Officials (“SDOs”). The firm also represents clients in legislative and rulemaking efforts relating to Government Contracts.
The Washington, D.C. law firm of Seidman & Associates, P.C. represents businesses in bid protests at the agency level, before the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; requests for equitable adjustment, terminations for convenience, terminations for default, terminations for cause and contract claims before contracting officers; contract claims and litigation before Boards of Contract Appeals and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; suspensions, debarments, and compliance issues before agency Suspension Debarment Officials (“SDO”); protests concerning size and eligibility for small business programs before the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and appeals of SBA protest rulings before the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals (“SBAOHA”). The firm also provides advice and representation concerning responding to show cause and cure notices, organizational conflicts of interest; engineering source approvals; access to data under DoD Directive 5230.25 (“DoDD 5230.25”) and the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”); litigation concerning the validity of limited rights legends and rights in technical data.
The firm has represented trade associations in procurement related agency rulemaking proceedings and Congressional Hearings. The firm has filed an amicus curiae brief for a trade association.
The firm’s clients include large publicly owned companies and small businesses, U.S. and foreign contractors, prime- and sub-contractors, manufacturers, professional services contractors, other service contractors, research and development (“R&D”) contractors, Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”) contractors, trade associations and non-profit advocacy groups.
The firm has also represented clients in connection with civil and criminal False Claims Act investigations and law suits as well as issues concerning foreign military sales and direct sales to foreign governments and international organizations.
The Seidman & Associates government contracts law firm represents businesses worldwide that have contracted with a U.S. Government agency. Seidman & Associates represents clients before the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”), U.S. Court of Federal Claims (“COFC”), Boards of Contract Appeals, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal and D.C. Circuits.
Suite 335
Washington, DC 20036
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Phone: 202-737-5734
Fax: 202-204-0001